TMJ Treatment West Hollywood
What you need in the direction of know about TMJ treatment
A TMJ disorder is a dental condition characterized by a sharp pain at the sides of the face. In most cases, people do not know whether they have a TMJ disorder because it is not a very common disorder. If you have a TMJ disorder, we recommend that you seek immediate TMJ treatment West Hollywood to avoid further complications and unnecessary pain.
You can visit us at Smile Dzine to get dental consultation and diagnosis of TMJ. A TMJ disorder is often caused by injury to the face affecting the temporomandibular joint that helps the jaw move up and down. If the joint is damaged, the patient will feel constant pain and may also have difficulty sleeping. It may be difficult determining whether you require TMJ treatment. Below is a few conducts you can be sure that you have a TMJ disorder.
Do I have TMJ disorder?
It is very easy for you to know whether you have a TMJ disorder. First of all, you should observe the movements of your jaw as you open and close your mouth. If some angles are painful when moving your jaw, you may be having a TMJ disorder. A locked jaw is also a common sign of TMJ disorder. If you are unable to open your jaws completely, there may be a problem with your temporomandibular joint.
Lastly, you can slightly press the areas on the jaw that feel uncomfortable to determine the degree of pain experienced. If you find that you have a TMJ disorder, visit our offices for a dental consultation where our dentist will make a thorough diagnosis of your dental issue after which they will provide TMJ treatment West Hollywood.
Available treatments for TMJ disorder
Since TMJ disorder is a bone-related complication, we usually have different methods of treating this condition. Our dentists will assess the best form of TMJ treatment West Hollywood to give you the best treatment experience.
Dental medication
At Smile Dzine, we offer various forms of medication to help reduce pain associated with the TMJ disorder. The primary medication we use for our TMJ patients are antidepressants, muscle relaxants, and pain relievers. Although this medication helps reduce the symptoms of TMJ disorder, they cannot be used to treat the dental condition entirely. With regards to this, different dental treatments are used in our dental clinic to treat TMJ.
Orthodontic surgery
Among the various treatment procedures we offer for TMJ disorder, TMJ arthroscopy is one of the most common. Here, our dentists will try to treat the TMJ by repairing the joint using an arthroscopy. This technique is usually advantageous as compared to other methods. Arthrocentesis is also a possible treatment for TMJ disorder especially for people whose disorder is due to an inflamed joint.
In this treatment, our orthodontist will use smack needles to drain any fluid or debris from the joint making the joint functional again. For people whose TMJ disorder has progressed for long, our dentists may recommend open-joint surgery. This form of surgery involves replacing the joint with another functional one or simply repairing it if possible.