Smile :DZine

What are the symptoms of TMJ Disorders?

14754732 - woman with pain in her gums holding finger to mouth

TMJ treatment West Hollywood

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint connecting your skull to your jawbone. The joint is located just below the ears, and by placing a finger on that region during mouth movements, you can feel the joint’s movements.

The temporomandibular joint controls all movements of the jaw and enables mouth functions such as chewing, talking and yawning. Physical trauma causing injury around that region, or a medical condition can lead to a TMJ disorder that will hinder the normal functioning of the mouth. At Smile Dzine, we have efficient TMJ treatment West Hollywood options that can reverse the effects of such condition and put you back to proper health.

What are the symptoms of TMJ Disorders?

Patients suffering from TMJ disorders may experience one or all of the following symptoms, and it is best to seek a dentist’s opinion in case of similar occurrences. The most common sign is the occurrence of clicking sounds when opening or closing the mouth.

Other signs associated with such disorders include limited jaw movement, pains in the temporomandibular joints, swelling of the facial area, general feel of tiredness and fatigue on the face, and also pains in the neck region that may even spread to the shoulders.


When you visit our dental practice, our dentist will run a couple of examinations on you to diagnose the condition. They may ask you to open and close the mouth, as they listen for any clicks and pops. They may also press the area below the ears and ask if you experience any pains there then it could be a disorder. If the dentist suspects the condition, you may also go through a few 3D scans for the dentist to observe your dental anatomy and establish the cause of your disorder.


In most cases, TMJ disorders are not that serious, and the condition should reverse even without the need for much intervention of medical professionals. You will get anti-inflammatory ointments and muscle relaxants to help soothe the affected area and ease tension. Our oral surgeons also administer several pain relievers to help ease the pain. In most instances, we recommend physical therapy as a treatment option for the disorder. You will be introduced to several exercises that are meant to help reverse the condition. You are to do the exercises on your own at home for a couple of days, and with time the condition is reversed.

You may also get some mouth-wear at our clinic, such as dental splints to wear at home for the successful treatment. In case the condition is caused by teeth grinding, you may also be given mouth-guards to wear at night while you sleep. However, for the very serious cases, you may have to undergo surgery to rectify the underlying condition causing the disorder.

This, however, happens rarely and it is only conducted once other methods have failed to work. The major cases that are treated by surgery are those that are caused by a problem in the jawbone that needs to be fixed permanently. Book an appointment with us today and get the most reliable TMJ treatment West Hollywood experience.